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Wisdom Teeth Extractions – Lynchburg, VA

Removing Unnecessary Third Molars

Did you know that most people have their final teeth grow in between the ages of 16 and 23? In the past, this third set of molars, called wisdom teeth, used to be important for our ancestors who were more likely to lose teeth from poor dental hygiene. Now, however, most of us do not need this extra set of teeth, and they can cause problems for your smile if allowed to remain. If you or your child fit inside this age range, our dentists can perform a thorough examination to see if extraction is needed to keep your smile healthy.

Why Choose Peery & Woolwine Family Dentistry
for Wisdom Teeth Extractions?

  • Advanced Technology for Well-Planned Procedures
  • Helpful, Friendly Dental Team
  • Sedation Dentistry Offered

Why Would My Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Extracted?

Some people have sufficient room in their mouths for their wisdom teeth to come in without any issues. Other people do not. Wisdom teeth may need to be removed because of the following situations:

  • The wisdom teeth have erupted at an improper angle, potentially causing an oral infection beneath the gums.
  • Wisdom teeth are pushing your other teeth out of alignment, affecting your bite.
  • Your wisdom teeth have caused pain in your jaw or soreness in your teeth.

Do My Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

In many cases, our dentists are able to anticipate and catch wisdom teeth problems before you experience any noticeable symptoms. During a dental checkup, we will look at digital X-rays to make sure that everything out of view is healthy and that no complications are lurking below the gum surface. If you fit within the typical wisdom tooth age range, we’ll pay close attention to your third molars and monitor them, letting you know if we foresee any issues and explaining our findings clearly. That way, if extraction becomes necessary, you’re fully aware and able to proceed with confidence. However, if you think that your wisdom teeth could be causing a problem, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us.

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The cost of wisdom tooth extractions is not the same for every patient. It depends on several important factors. When you visit us for your consultation, we will be able to share some specific numbers with you. We will also be happy to help you understand your payment options, such as insurance and financing. With the assistance of available provisions, most patients find that it is not too difficult to afford their wisdom tooth procedure.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Some factors that may influence the cost of your wisdom tooth procedure include:

  • The number of wisdom teeth being removed. Many people choose to have all four of their wisdom teeth removed at once. Others, though, opt only for the removal of the wisdom teeth that are currently threatening their oral health.
  • Whether or not the wisdom teeth are impacted. For some people, their wisdom teeth are only partially erupted. They may be stuck in the gum tissue or fully within the bone. Impaction causes the removal process to take longer and can lead to increased fees.
  • The use of sedation. If sedation is used during your procedure, that can increase the total cost of your care.
  • Who removes your wisdom teeth. Our dentists perform the vast majority of wisdom tooth extractions right here in our office. In some instances, though, we may refer a patient to a specialty practice whose financial policies are different from our own.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

In many cases, yes, dental insurance does cover wisdom tooth extractions. Usually, the procedure is classified as a major service, so around 50% of its cost may be covered, up to the amount of your annual maximum. With the help of their insurance, many patients are able to reduce their out-of-pocket costs by hundreds of dollars or more. Our team welcomes PPO insurance plans, and we will do all we can to help you maximize your benefits.

Other Options for Making Wisdom Tooth Extractions Affordable

If you do not have dental insurance, or your plan will only cover a small portion of the cost of your procedure, you may be interested in applying for financing through CareCredit. CareCredit is a third-party financier that offers low-interest and no-interest payment plans for dental services. The application process is fast, and most patients are quickly approved for credit!

Wisdom Tooth Extractions FAQs

Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?

Most people will develop all four of their wisdom teeth, but not all of them. Research published in the Dental Research Journal found that anywhere between 5% and 37% are missing at least one of their wisdom teeth. If you’ve entered mid-to-late adulthood without developing some wisdom teeth, it’s possible that you just don’t have them.

However, it’s always possible that a tooth could be impacted or unable to sprout. The only way to know for sure how many wisdom teeth you have is to have an x-ray taken.

How Do You Make Wisdom Teeth Pain Go Away?

The only permanent way to deal with a wisdom tooth is to have it removed. However, there are some temporary measures you can take before then to make yourself a little more comfortable:

  • Wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold it to your cheek for around 20 minutes at a time.
  • Rely on over-the-counter pain medicine, taking it as directed.
  • Use benzocaine numbing gel to soothe the gums.
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater solution periodically in order to address swelling.

Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed Before Braces?

In some circumstances, it can be a good idea to remove your wisdom teeth before getting braces. Once your smile has been aligned, emerging wisdom teeth could potentially push them back out of place. This can happen even if you are diligent with wearing your retainer.

If you get your braces at a young age, your wisdom teeth may not have formed yet, making removing them impossible. For that reason, it’s critically important that you remove your wisdom teeth just as they begin to emerge if you’ve had braces in the past.

What Can I Eat After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

A crucial part of recovering after wisdom tooth surgery is picking the right diet. Immediately after your procedure, your mouth will still be numb, which means that you’ll have to be careful about what you eat. Stay away from anything hot so that you don’t burn your mouth without realizing it and avoid anything too chewy to mitigate the risk of accidentally biting your tongue or cheek.

Long term, there are a few foods to avoid while your extraction wound is still healing:

  • Food that splits into small shards, like nuts or popcorn. These small particles could get caught in the extraction wound, irritating it.
  • Anything that requires a straw. Excessive suction in the mouth can pull the emerging clot out of place, causing “dry socket.”
  • Spicy foods that may irritate or swell the gums

To be safe, you may even want to adopt a soft food diet for a few days after surgery. This minimizes the risk of irritating your wound.